Claremont parents Christopher Frost and Erin McDevitt, who have an eighth grader and an alumna at Oakland Tech, give to the Claremont Fund to show the teachers that they care.

“Participation in the PTA, through both donations and volunteering, shows teachers how much parents appreciate and support their work,” Christopher said. “We see the Claremont Fund as a way to help teachers be effective through programs and projects that are brought to the attention of the PTA, for example, mini-grants. Go teachers! Go students! And thank you, staff and admin, too!”

To date, the PTA’s Claremont Fund has raised $32,000 toward its $45,000 goal this school year. Through the Fund, the PTA is able to pay for more teaching staff than what the school district provides. It also supports the many activities and programs now deemed “extra” in California public schools, such as music, sports, art, animation and the outdoor education trips that benefit all students.  Please consider supporting your student and their hard-working teachers by making a contribution to the Claremont Fund today.

Make your tax-deductible contribution online by simply clicking here and selecting your level of giving. Or, make a check payable to the Claremont PTA and drop it off in the PTA box in the office with a note specifying that it’s for the Claremont Fund. You can also mail your check to the Claremont PTA, 5750 College Ave., Oakland, CA 94618.

Whatever amount you choose to give, whether it’s a monthly donation of $20 or a one-time donation of $500, every gift matters.

If you have questions about the Claremont Fund or need assistance, please contact one of our Co-VPs of Fundraising, John Ifcher at, or Tara McCulloch at Go Knights!