2020-21 Student Registration Forms
In previous years, parents would come to school to complete a variety of documents prior to the first day of school. Given our Shelter In Place restrictions, we have moved the pertinent documents online. Please complete all of these documents online by August 24th.
- OUSD Data Confirmation
- Claremont Middle School’s Electronics Policy – Please fill out, take a photo and email it to forms@claremontms.org.
- Immunization Records – 7th graders and any student new to OUSD this school year, please send your most current immunization record to our school nurse, Stephanie.Lim@ousd.org by Aug. 24th.
- OUSD Online Meal Application – It is very short and simple to complete. If parents need support completing the application, you can call Nutrition Services staff at (510) 879-1731 and speak to Julie or Trina for help. Unfortunately we don’t currently have a bilingual Spanish Admin to support families, so please email Marta.Gonzalez@ousd.org for help in Spanish.
- Attendance/ Participation in School
Every day, and every class period matters. We want all families to understand how attendance works during distance learning, and for students to know the expectations for them to participate and be engaged in their learning every day.
Be sure to complete the online attendance pledge. Participating schools will be entered into a monthly attendance drawing to virtually meet a very special guest!
Khmer: https://forms.gle/1KDW5PK8scCAvDdw5
Spanish: https://forms.gle/wLrDneWnXL3ESJ1z5
Chinese: https://forms.gle/fcT3p1MbcBCyF7958
Arabic: https://forms.gle/feFQ86TVji4zD1R19
English: https://forms.gle/DhFMovv2K4jLVFQC9
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
2019-20 5th to 6th Grade Transition Packet
For families entering 6th grade, please take time over the summer to look through this packet! It will give you information about attendance, policies, discipline, and fill in information of how our school day and year is organized! For more information please contact the 6th grade Dean at Lacy.Lefkowitz@ousd.org