Friday, October 13 – Hispanic Heritage Family Movie Night
- 6-9 PM Family movie night at Claremont (dinner will be served)
- Volunteer Need – 5-7 pm – 4 adults to set up and help serve food/7-9 PM 2 adults to help clean up and put away the inflatable movie screen.
November 2 – Fall Festival
- Last hour of school – lots of games, crafts, dancing, etc. on campus – Ms. Anderson will let us know how many volunteers she needs soon.
- Need help/donations for Fall Festival Snack Bags! Accepting snack donations to be dropped off in the CMS office on 10/27. We will need 2-3 volunteers to help put together 500 snack bags on Monday, October 30th after school.
November 14 – Burgers, Bingo & Boogie
- 5-7 pm family event at Claremont – bingo with a mid-game dance break and prizes galore! Tickets are $20/adult, $10/kids, 5 and under are free. Tickets are sold at the door, and cover burger/chips/drink and bingo card.
- Working with a Claremont dad to provide a grill, will need volunteers to help with set-up/facilitating the game and prize table, working with the Dads’ club to see if they can help grill the burgers.