Fill out the 2023/24 Data Confirmation/ Authorization Registration
This year, the district registration forms are all linked with the Data Confirmation and Authorizations via Aeries. Families will also be expected to complete the Claremont MS specific forms (Cell Phone Policy, Technology Damage Agreement, Walking Field Trip Permission Slip, CHKS Permission Slip, PTA Membership, PTA Annual Fund, Envisioneer’s registration, PE Uniform Pre-order form, etc.)
Click on the QR code or simply log onto AERIES and complete your students data confirmation and authorizations. Be sure to also complete the Claremont MS Registration forms (links below).
If you are not able to attend the Claremont Registration events on Monday July 31st or Tuesday, August 1st, no worries. Just make sure that you complete the Data Confirmation/ Authorizations in Aeries AND complete the CMS specific Registration forms.
Looking forward to welcoming our families and students back to school soon!
- Claremont Specific Forms
CMS Attendance Pledge
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
Walking Permission Slip
Immunization Records – 7th graders and any student new to OUSD this school year, please send your most current immunization record to our school nurse,