(From Wednesday’s call to CMS families):
Hello Claremont Families! This is Mr. Mayer with a week four Distance Learning update! I hope folks have been enjoying the past two days of sunshine. As we continue with distance learning, teachers are holding office hours, posting video links and assignments on Google Classroom, and holding Zoom and Google Hangout sessions with updated security.
As noted in a recent newspaper article (from former Claremont mom Jill Tucker), we are being extra careful with internet security, particularly as it relates to information for any child. For this reason we have made a few changes
- Grade level letters on the CMS home learning options homepage are now only accessible to people with OUSD emails. If you need access, please email the owner, who is the grade level dean, and they will grant you access. (At this time little is changing on those emails, but we will send them out individually if there is a change worth noting).
- Google classroom codes are no longer on public documents, so if your child has still not accessed a classroom, they need to directly contact that teacher or grade level dean for access.
- ZOOM and meet links will also not be posted on public documents, and will be communicated through google classroom, email or talkingpoints. We will also use other security features such as secure login and waiting rooms.
Please check in with a grade level deans if you have questions and please continue to use our Continuity of Learning Homepage at ClaremontMS.org. It’s now in a box on the right side of the homepage! Also let us know if you have needs around computers and computer access.
Please make sure you do the 2020 Census. It is not too late! The Census helps our school funding! Get counted at www.my2020census.gov. Also be sure to look at the posters that our students have created below in this edition of the Knightline.
There are a few updates with grading for the rest of the year as district guidance has changed slightly.
- 5th marking period will now go until April 24th. Grades will be Credit/No Credit.
- 6th marking period will begin April 27th and last until May 28th.
- Semester Grades will be Credit/no credit. Our teachers are determining what Credit/No Credit will mean in terms of how much work needs to be completed to get full credit for a class. We will share that information in next week’s robocall.
- Students will be held accountable for the work they are doing at this time. If they are struggling to complete work, please reach out to your grade level dean!
Office hours for teachers. We know that families have many different circumstances. We know some families are able to keep regular “school hours”, whereas others cannot get to work until later. Please know that teachers, many of whom have child care or other family responsibilities in the evening, will be keeping set hours, that are most likely during traditional school hours. You are welcome to reach out via email, or through google classroom comments, at any time, but understand that teachers may only be able to respond during set hours during the school day/week. If you are unable to get a hold of a teacher after 24 hours, please reach out to the grade level dean.
Please know that we are all working hard and trying to be creative with future learning opportunities for our students. Stay tuned for next week as we begin some “Fitness Challenges” and begin planning our 8th grade “Promotion”. If you have any suggestions and would like to help, please reach out to Mr. Galvan at eric.galvan@ousd.org
In Partnership.
Mr. Mayer