The March meeting of the Claremont PTA will feature a special workshop for parents, guardians, teachers, staff and students:
Connecting With Teenagers
— Even When It Is Hard
Thurs., March 2, 2017
6:30-8 p.m. in the Music Room
Our guest speaker will be Kathy Simon, Ph.D., a certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication who is also the parent of a teenager and a former high school teacher and teacher educator.
Our relationships with our children and students matter so much to us, but so often they become filled with tension and conflict, especially in the teenage years. Nonviolent Communication provides ideas and tools for working with conflict when it arises, turning disagreements into precious opportunities for more connection, growth and peace. In this workshop, we will explore the basics of this process. Key themes include:
- Remaining connected to our children, even during conflict
- Re-connecting with our children after conflicts
- Creating a family system in which everyone’s needs matter
At the beginning of the workshop, Ms. Ola, the Dean of Culture and Climate at Claremont Middle School, will introduce herself and our school’s Restorative Justice team.
For more information contact parent volunteer Biliana Stremska: or (510) 978-1267.