Now is the time to contribute to our 2018 Claremont Middle School Holiday Gift Fund!

All contributions – big or small – are welcome. We will use the gift fund contributions to purchase Trader Joe’s gift cards for all the amazing people who work at Claremont: teachers, custodians, administrative staff and all the others who contribute to the education and well-being of our children EVERY day of the school year (approximately 70 people).

The gifts will be presented on behalf of ALL Claremont families before the break.

Please contribute by Monday, Dec. 17.

4 WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE (CMS Parent Kim Nies is coordinating the contributions…Thanks Kim!)

1) CMS Campus Morning Drop-Off (Wed & Fri)

On Wednesday Dec 12 & Friday Dec 14 morning drop off, look for a parent with a “CMS Holiday Gift Fund!” sign near Miles gate and contribute your cash or check.

2) PayPal Send money to or go to

3) VenmoSend money via

4) Contact Kim If none of these options work, send an email to or call Kim at 415-640-6137 and we can figure something out!

Thank you Claremont community!