On behalf of the Claremont PTA, we wish to express a BIG THANK YOU to all Claremont families and community members who made contributions to the Claremont Fund this fall and winter. To date, the Fund has raised $42,000 toward its goal of $45,000; in fact, we raised more than $9,000 in December alone! Wow!

Each donation to the Claremont Fund shows our teachers and administrative staff how much families appreciate and support the work they do to educate our children. Your gift helps supplement Claremont’s operating budget, which pays for teachers’ salaries, the music program, the library, Outdoor Education, after-school sports, and much more.

If you haven’t already made a gift, it’s not too late: we hope to exceed our fundraising goal by the end of January.

Please consider making a gift to the Claremont Fund today by clicking here. Or, make a check payable to the Claremont PTA and drop it off in the PTA box in the office with a note specifying that it’s for the Claremont Fund. You can also mail your check to the Claremont PTA, 5750 College Ave., Oakland, CA 94618.

Finally, if you’re shopping on Amazon, take a minute and set up Amazon Smile to donate to Claremont. Begin your shopping by clicking the Amazon Smile link on the school Web site, or go to https://smile.amazon.com, search “Claremont Middle PTA,” and choose it. Then, follow the simple instructions. It is easy!

Whatever amount you choose to give, every gift counts!

Thanks again, and Go Knights!

Sincerely yours,

Tara McCulloch and John Ifcher
Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising
Claremont Middle School PTA