Enrollment applications for public schools in Oakland will be accepted from Nov. 13 through Jan. 26. This is the time when 8th grade students can request high school placement for the 2018-19 school year. Starting Nov. 13, 8th grade families can apply online for OUSD high school placement, or submit a paper application form available at Claremont Middle School. Use the link below to access application information on the OUSD Web site:
OUSD Open Enrollment Application Process »
When applying, you will be asked to rank three school choices. Students are assigned to schools based on the placement priorities outlined in this explanation from the OUSD Web site:
Students that apply on time are assigned to schools through a lottery, based on the school choices indicated on their enrollment application and taking into account OUSD placement priorities. The process is designed to provide each student equitable access to the range of opportunities available throughout the District. Students are placed in their highest ranked school if there are openings at that school.
If there are more requests for a school than openings, the student placement process uses a series of priorities to determine the assignment the student will receive.
Prioritization is given to students who:
- first: have a sibling(s) in a school, that will continue at the school during 2018-19
- second: live within the neighborhood boundaries of the desired school.
All remaining applicants that are not prioritized by sibling or neighborhood will be placed into the general lottery. Parents are encouraged to select six elementary schools or three middle/high schools they wish their child to attend to ensure that their child receives one of their selections.